The longer I live, the more I am genuinely coming to the realization that the simple things in life truly are the best things in life. There was a time, not all that long ago, where I would hesitate to post one of my patterns or methods of creating / doing something for fear that it was TOO simple and I would question the need to share. I have a plan-jane red mitten pattern I have been holding onto since beginning this blog for that very reason!
But I created this blog in order to express my own personal creativity. Perhaps it IS a little on the simplistic side (or perhaps, dear reader, you disagree - that would be very kind of you!) I love most of my creations and my family usually finds them useful.
So this year I am going to try and post the patterns and ideas that I love, even if they are super simple and reminiscent of yesteryears. Hopefully some of you find my patterns or methods useful and straightforward.
That brings me to todays pattern. Most knitters have likely seen some version of this pattern or another at some point. It seems to be one of those ideas that have existed for a long time in the knitting world. The Granny's Choice dishcloth. I remember my grandmother, my mother and many of my aunts using them in their kitchens when I was a child. There was even a pretty little one waiting to be used in the kitchen sink of the cottage we rented for our summer holiday last year. These dishcloths go by many names: Granny's Choice, Granny's Favourite, Super Simple dishcloth, . . . I'm sure I have missed many other names.
It is a simple, diagonal knit cloth that uses basic stitches and creates a lovely, useful cloth that holds up very well under daily use. This time around I made them using Bernat Handicrafter cotton and I tried one using Red Heart Scrubby yarn. The texture of the scrubby yarn cloth feels like it will make handwashing those stuck on spots much easier!
approx. 8.5 inch x 8.5 inch
needles & notions
5mm knitting needles
tapestry needle

All photos copyright Jocelyn Windover and Red Mitten Designs (do not use without permission)
Once again, thank you for choosing a Red Mitten Designs pattern!